Macular degeneration

Micronutrient therapy

Increases microcirculation in the retina
Supplementation with ginkgo-biloba extract can be used for prevention and complementary therapy of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Ginkgo provides long-term improvement of the blood circulation of the retina which can increase visual acuity.
Improves antioxidative status
Macular degeneration and cataract patients are often found to have a decreased concentration of glutathione and vitamin C. An increased glutathione and vitamin C intake can be used preventively and therapeutically against degenerative oxidative processes. Selenium and Vitamin E also play an important role as potent antioxidants.

Coenzyme Q10 is essential for energy supply in the mitochondria and has an antioxidant effect. Micronutrients such as alpha-lipoic acid, grape seed extract or quercetin are also effective agents against oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunctions in the photoreceptors.

Carotenoids, such as Beta carotene, act as bioactive precursors for vitamin A. Beta-carotene is stored in the skin and in the cells of the retina, where it can act directly as an antioxidant against UV-induced free radicals. The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are responsible for the pigmentation of the macula lutea. In addition, their pronounced antioxidant properties protect against damage from UV radiation and prevent the formation of peroxides.
Provides the building blocks for the eye
Vitamin A is a building block of visual purple (rhodopsin) and as such essentially involved in the visual process and the conversion of photo energy into neuronal energy.

The polyunsaturated fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is an integral component of cell membranes and serves to maintain cell membrane integrity in the photoreceptors. Up to 93% of the omega-3 fatty acids in the retina consist of DHA. Studies show that supplementation with DHA reduces the risk of dry AMD and slows vision loss due to AMD.