
Micronutrient therapy

Basics of detoxification mechanisms
The enzymatic detoxification processes of the organism are directed against degradation products and toxins that are naturally produced in the metabolism as well as against exogenous environmental contaminants and xenobiotics. To dispose of these useless or toxic substrates, the organism uses a series of highly specific enzyme systems that can be detected in varying concentrations in most cells. Classical detoxification organs, such as the liver and kidneys, have the highest enzyme density. These enzymes are used to convert toxic substances and make them excreteable. In addition, the body's own structures are protected against toxins and their metabolites.
Detoxification reactions Phase I and II
Detoxification takes place in two phases. In the so-called Phase-I reactions , highly reactive intermediates are formed by the introduction of chemical-functional groups by reduction, oxidation and hydrolysis from the starting substances, with foreign substance metabolites in particular having a high toxic potential.

In the subsequent Phase-II reactions the processed substances are coupled to very polar, negatively charged endogenous auxiliary molecules in order to increase the precipitability. Important reactions in phase II are glucuronidation, sulfation, acetylation, methylation and conjugation with amino acids and glutathione. Both detoxification systems must be in balance. If phase II enzyme activity is reduced compared to phase I, the partly toxic intermediates of the phase I reactions could accumulate and thus cause damage.
Micronutrients and plant substances to activate the detoxification performance
The detoxification enzymes of phases I and II are sensitive in their function to an adequate supply of the cofactors involved in the enzyme function in the form of micronutrients. For example, the activity of glutathione peroxidase, one of the most important detoxification enzymes, is significantly inhibited by an insufficient Selenium supply. As a result, the detoxification capacity is impaired, resulting in increased toxic exposure for the body.

The trace elements zinc and copper as well as the vitamins B2, B6 and C, which intervene in the detoxification processes at several points have a very similar meaning.

An outstanding role for enzyme induction is also played by secondary plant substances, in particular glucosinolates and indole, which can be found in broccoli, mustard or charcoal, and also resveratrol or yellarroot (curcuma longa). These bioactive plant substances contribute to the typical taste of mustard, horseradish, cress and cabbage. The glucosinolates are converted into isothiocyanates by the enzyme myrosinase, which is produced by the intestinal flora and then intervene in phase II reactions via glutathione.
Glutathione – Detoxification and Liver Protection
L-glutathione, a tripeptide of the three amino acids glutamine, cysteine and glycine, together with the Seleniumium-containing enzyme glutathione peroxidase forms one of the most important antioxidative redox systems in intracellular space. Reduced L-glutathione (GSH, active form) protects body structures from oxidative damage by oxygen and hydrogen peroxide radicals. When these free radicals are broken down, the reduced glutathione form changes to oxidized glutathione disulfide (GSSG), which in turn is regenerated with the help of a vitamin B2-dependent enzyme and with the participation of niacin as part of redox recycling. Glutathione is significantly involved in Phase II detoxification of toxic metabolic products and in the detoxification of aflatoxins, xenobiotics and heavy metals in hepatocellular biotransformation. In addition to the detoxification capacity, the synthesis capacity of the liver cells is directly influenced by the intracellular glutathione stock. The substitution of reduced glutathione optimizes the elimination of already metabolized toxic substances.
Securing elimination
The excretion of kidney metabolites depends on a sufficient amount of fluid and the pH value of the urine. Acidic toxins can only be eliminated insufficiently in the case of acidosis and a permanently reduced pH. In addition, the activity of all enzyme systems depends on an exact, in this case slightly alkaline pH value. Therefore, preparations to balance the acid-base balance are also of therapeutic importance as measures for detoxification and purification. To increase the excretion of toxins via the liver, bile and intestines, we recommend taking fiber.
Biochemistry of Detoxification (GANZIMMUN Laboratory)
Complementary medicine pays a lot of attention to the topic of detoxification, but in the relevant literature there are usually only very general references in which the organs of detoxification and less the biochemistry are placed in the foreground. The primary therapeutic objective is the non-specific activation of organ performance - e.g. in the sense of an undefined liver and kidney stimulating therapy - without taking into account the specific mechanisms of detoxification. This overlooks essential biochemical relationships, which can be associated on the one hand with risks for the patient and on the other hand prevents effective therapy options.

Diagnostic tests

Possible laboratory examination (Laboratory GANZIMMUN) detail information
Glutathion-S-transferases - Detoxification Phase 2 If the activity of GST is insufficient, metabolites of the detoxification reactions of phase I accumulate more in the organism biochemistry of detoxification

Cytochrome P450 - Detoxification Phase 1 These enzymes catalyze oxidative reactions during Phase I, transforming not only various endogenous substances (such as hormones), but also foreign substances such as drugs, pesticides or even caffeine Biochemistry of Detoxification
Organix® urine test for the detection of organic acids Organix®
Porphyrins Biomarkers for the detection of heavy metal and xenobiotic loads Porphyrins in urine
glutathione The quotient of the present amount of reduced and oxidized glutathione ([GSH]/[GSSG]) reflects the current load of the cell glutathione metabolism